
PBNY 2020 Schedule/Agenda

Please find below a detailed agenda of the PBNY 2020 Virtual Conference. All times listed below are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST)

You can click on the headshot of any speaker to be taken to their specific profile page to see more information on them as well as their presentation. 

If you click a button below for a specific day, you will be taken directly to the detailed agenda for that date.

Note: As with any live event, the below itinerary is subject to change at any point.

Monday - June 22nd

Ismail Humet – Founder / PBNY

9:45a – 10a EST

Welcome Remarks

Nicholas Rhodes – Founder / OutSnapped

10a – 10:45a EST

Behind (and in front of) the Green Screen

Rhodes has spent the last decade plus traveling the world as a photographer for leading publications, Fortune 500 companies, international music festivals, and performers, from the most underground acts to household names such as Lady Gaga, Diplo, Skrillex, and LCD Soundsystem. Throughout his journey he educated his clients on how to use his captured content as a valuable marketing tool.

This workshop by Rhodes will take you from behind the Green Screen’s conception to day of activation. You learn how to setup and execute your event AND you will even be given the assets you need to recreate an amazing green screen activation!

Angelica Diaz – Founder / EventWorks

10:45a – 11:30a EST

Working With Event Planners

The dos and donts of working with event planners and how to build relationships so they become a source of repeat business!

11:30a – 12p EST

Morning Break

Mike Fazio – Founder / SnapboothAZ

12p – 12:45p EST

How To Fill Empty Dates With Unattended Rentals

Generate additional revenue by turning your unused equipment into unattended booth rentals.

Caroline “Olin” Winata – Partner / Giggle and Riot
Josh Daniels – Partner / Giggle and Riot

12:45p – 1:30p EST

Creating A Unique Photo Booth Brand

Topics that will be touched on in the session include:
  • What exactly is branding
  • The importance of branding
  • Branding in a COVID world
  • Building a unique brand
  • Developing a unique brand message

1:30p – 2:30p EST

Lunch Break

Ryan Salinas – Founder / URBN Events

2:30p – 3:15p EST

Trim The Fat – How To Keep Your Photo Booth Business Lean

Ryan has always prided himself on running a “lean and mean” business. Fortunately, that mindset is super valuable in challenging economic times like these.

Tune in to this one of a kind presentation to learn how to “trim the fat” not only to extend the runway of your business, but to best position it to scale and grow in the future.

Bill Vahrenkamp – Technical Operations / Imaging Spectrum

3:15p – 4p EST

Being Safety First in a COVID World

Bill will be leading a session titled “Being Safety First in a COVID World” where he will cover in detail the various steps and actions boothers need to take in order for their clients & guests to feel comfortable booking and using photo booths.

4p – 4:30p EST

Afternoon Break

Lisa Oler – Account Manager / LAPP
Fernando Coelho – Account Manager / LAPP

4:30p – 5:15p EST

How to Sell Virtual Services

You’ve heard all the hoopla about virtual booths but…

How do you sell and position them? How do you properly price them? Which clients are the right fit for it?

Tune in to find out!

5:15p – 6p EST

Zoom Breakouts – Networking Sessions

Tuesday - June 23rd

Joseph Viola – Photo Booth Accountant

10a – 10:45a EST

Photo Booth Accounting

We’ve all heard people with horror stories related to accounting mistakes getting them in trouble with Uncle Sam. Make sure to attend Joe’s session to learn what pitfalls to avoid to stay in the good graces of the IRS. No topic is off the table. Common questions such as the below will all be covered (and much more)!

What expenses are deductible?
What is the difference between a 1099 contractor and a W2 employee?
Do I need Workers Compensation insurance?
How do I know when to collect sales tax and at what rate?
How do I choose the correct legal structure for my business?

Zach Schiffman – Founder / Studio Z
John Tanico – Founder / Neeko Booths

10:45a – 11:30a EST

White Labeling: Do It…CORRECTLY!

Zach and John will go into detail about how they started in the business and how they grew their individual companies by utilizing other photo booth companies around the country as well as each other in one of the toughest markets – NYC.They’ll cover best etiquette, pricing, and of course – what NOT to do when white labeling.

11:30a – 12p EST

Morning Break

Vako Artinian – Photo Booth Lawyer

12p – 12:45p EST

The Huge Legal Mistakes You’re Making & How To Fix Them

You worked hard to get your business this far, but now what? Attorney and fellow Booth Owner Vako Artinian will discuss the importance of asset protection, why you should incorporate your business, what pitfalls to avoid in your contracts, whether your workers are considered employees or independent contractors, when you can fairly use another artist’s copyrighted work, how to deal with deposits in a post-covid world, and what exactly a force majeure clause is and when it comes into play.

This will be an info packed webinar that will shed light on the most common legal issues we face as Photo Booth business owners and help you safely navigate through it all so you can stay focused on what is most important, creating and growing. All Attendees will receive one free sample client contract, but only if they stand and applaud at the end of the webinar.

Josh Pather – CEO & Founder / Photo Booth International

12:45p – 1:30p EST

10 Strategies I Use To Bring In 100s Of Photo Booth Leads A Month

Josh is going to share the secrets he learned over the last 13 years of marketing online.

1:30p – 2:30p EST

Lunch Break

David Miller – CEO / LAPP
Vivi – Head of Software Sales / LAPP

2:30p – 3:15p EST

Tech & Trends For Photo Booths In A COVID-19 World

  • How to spot a trend and where to find inspiration
  • What criteria to use when adopting a trend
  • What trends are currently hot


Sam Eitzen – CEO & Co-Founder / The SnapBar

3:15p – 4p EST

Strategies For Crowded Markets & Fast Changing Industries

Compete on the level of price and it’s a race to the bottom. Compete solely on product and it’s a whirlwind of who copied who and potential litigation. Your brand alone won’t carry you. Neither will your organic ranking or ads. Today, getting ahead requires a smart combination of many strategies. In my first public talk to the photo booth community, I’ll be walking through various steps our company has taken, and continues to, to ensure we thrive in the ever-changing, intense world of events and beyond. I’ll focus especially on why leaders need to adopt business and brand strategies that will set them apart, how they can go about designing a category they can own, what systems they should put in place to protect their businesses against sudden change, and also make a case for why we should all say no more often.

4p – 4:30p EST

Afternoon Break


4:30p – 5:15p EST

To Be Revealed

Check back to see who will be scheduled here 🙂

5:15p – 6p EST

Zoom Breakouts – Networking Sessions

Wednesday - June 24th

Kelly Haynie – Director of Revenue & Service Culture Trainer

10a – 10:45a EST

Increase Revenue & Build Loyalty By Creating Personal Connections

Learn how to connect emotionally to clients and guests through exceptional service.

Jon Vogel – Co-Founder / 215 Marketing

10:45a – 11:30a EST

Marketing in a COVID World

How should we tackle marketing in a world of quarantines and restrictions on events? Are people even searching for photo booth services right now? You may be surprised at what you learn in this presentation.

11:30a – 12p EST

Morning Break

Garrett Gillin – Co-Founder / 215 Marketing

12p – 12:45p EST

Reverse Budgeting – How To Do It And Why It Matters

Do you even know what reverse budgeting is? Learn why is the biggest mistake businesses make when making marketing decisions and how you can avoid throwing your hard earned money into a black hole.

Brandon Olson – Marketing Communications Manager / AWeber

12:45p – 1:30p EST

7 Email Campaigns You Can Send To Quarantined Clients Right Now

With the stoppage of in-person events, you may have wondered “Should I even bother my clients at a time like this?” or “What would I even say to them?” or “Is it even worth promoting to my audience when events aren’t even happening?”

The reality is, event planning hasn’t stopped and people are still looking for your services. You need to stay top of mind. Email marketing is one of the best ways to build an engaged audience and connect with and nurture potential clients.

In this session, you will learn how to engage your potential clients using email marketing and automation. Plus, you’ll get real-life examples of the types of email campaigns you can send to your future clients right now during the pandemic.

1:30p – 2:30p EST

Lunch Break

Peter Dancewicz – SEO Expert

2:30p – 3:15p EST

Steps You Can Take NOW To Boost Your SEO & Google Ranking

Getting free organic traffic is an ideal goal for all business owner’s. Online marketing can be hard, but you as a business owner can do a lot internally with some guidance to ensure you structure your strategy correctly.

SEO to put it simply, is the art of optimising your website for search engines i.e. Google. Being listed in your service area for your key words by Google may seem hard at first, but once you have a regular and constant content contribution and link building strategy you will reach a wide variety of prospects who are searching for your services.

Being in the photo booth industry we service a wide area and service various client types. You can optimise your site to ensure you are one that ranks at the top of search engines. Peter will cover what you and do internally to ensure your website is optimised and be ranked in search engines to maximise your website traffic.

Justin Valle – Founder / Booth Creative

3:15p – 4p EST

Harness The Power Of Droplets To Stand Out From The Competition

Have you seen the amazing effects other boothers create with their photo booth images and wonder… how can I do that?

It would be a wonderful way to increase your rates and your perceived value to clients!

Justin will be teaching you how to make your very own droplets leveraging the most powerful and useful features in Adobe Photoshop – with a focus on a real world photo booth environment. Even with little to no knowledge of Photoshop, Justin will teach you how to harness the power of droplets for yourselves.

If you’ve wondered how to stand out vs lower priced competitors, this is one of the best ways to do so. You won’t want to miss this session.

4p – 4:30p EST

Afternoon Break

Shelly Rangsiyakul – Founder / POPsocial

4:30p – 5:15p EST

What if 2020 isn’t cancelled? (Making 2020 better than any other year)

Shelly is an entrepreneur living the life most of us only dare to dream of. She travels the world. She works with the best brands on the planet. She expresses her creativity and gets to do what she loves.

So what happens when 2020 just cancels all of that?

Shelly talks about her top 10 WTF moments in 2020 and how she has looked at 2020 overall and turned it around. You can learn from Shelly how to examine your own “WTF moments” and move past it and grow yourself and your business.

5:15p – 6p EST

Zoom Breakouts – Networking Sessions

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Live Only

  • Live Access Only
  • 20+ Hours Of Premium Content!
  • Participate in Q&A Sessions With Speakers
  • Zoom Networking Breakout Sessions
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All Access

  • Live Access to Presentations
  • 20+ Hours Of Premium Content!
  • Participate in Q&A Sessions With Speakers
  • Zoom Networking Breakout Sessions
  • Includes Access to Digital Recordings
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Recordings Only

  • Access to Digital Recordings Only
  • 20+ Hours Of Premium Content!
  • Watch at Your Own Pace
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